
You need a good reason to paint and draw. If I didn't feel like I needed to communicate, I wouldn't anything. In that sense all my projects are similar.

If you consider paintings as a of externalized commentary, then my drawings are an internal mirror of that. It deals with the same of questions rooted in the entirety of the human condition. The act of drawing or painting is a of a way to deal with the problem of being alive in an imperfect tragic world. It’s like a dream that conflicts with the futility of understanding life.

Because most of my drawings are conceived in memory, you need to nourish your memory and looking at nature or your surroundings is an ideal starting point. One part that keeps my interest is dealing with chaos. To illustrate this, look at scrub. You will discover intertwined branches but in a broader perspective, this can give a claustrophobic feeling or the opposite, a very safe sheltered feeling.

Awareness of facts and aesthetic structures existing and changing within time has also an effect on how I look at the world through creating my proper visual language. Drawing as a direct raw creative process where the energy can result in different more or less emerging forms. 

Art tells us what we care about. It tells us what we feel to be more alive. I don't think I have to impose an image on the spectator. Visual art should the viewer left wondering and given the state of the world, art is becoming increasingly indispensable, which it actually always was or should be.


My objective is to serve a world where art enriches the world and not where art serves the power, even the power of the artist. As humans we'll have to be more humble.

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